@alydelpalacio Ok, so it’s pretty simple. I made a container which I put the 3 texts I wanted to rotate between in (You can do more or less). I set the container’s Overflow content to Hide, and I set all 3 texts to hidden.
I called the container #Sec1WordHolder then I simply ran this code
import wixAnimations from 'wix-animations';
$w.onReady(function () {
// Saves all the elements in the #Sec1WordHolder container
let sec1WordArray = $w("#Sec1WordHolder").children
// Runs trough the list of elements to show
function sec1ExchangeWords(elementArray) {
//Runs the method on repeat with 2 seconds delay between each-
sec1IntervalID = setInterval(function () {
elementArray[sec1CurrWord].hide("glide", sec1HideWordOption);
//If it's displayed all, returns to the first one
if (sec1CurrWord != elementArray.length - 1) {
} else {
sec1CurrWord = 0;
elementArray[sec1CurrWord].show("glide", sec1ShowWordOption)
}, 2000)