creating a URL

Hopefully a simple question, but I can’t seem to get it right.
To access a pdf I need to build up a Url. I create the following variable string called ‘url’:

Then I splice it in as follows:
$w( “#html1” ).src = ( ‘{url}’ );

But the #html1 element just displays ‘Forbidden’ and console.log shows me this:
complete url ={url}

If I hard code the url it works fine. Clearly I’m not inserting the string. Can anybody help?

It seems that you are trying to use Javascript template literals . You need to use backticks ` (upper left on your keyboard) in place of single ’ or double " quotes. You don’t need the parentheses around the URL.

Also, you want to specify the variable string ${url} - don’t forget the dollar sign $.

That works! Thanks so much.