currentMember not returning anything

Open your MASTER-PAGE and add the following into it…


import wixMembers from 'wix-members';

$w.onReady(async()=>{console.log("Master-Page running...");   

    wixMembers.authentication.onLogin(async(member)=> { 
       console.log("MEMBER: ", member);
       let memberData = await member.getMember();
       console.log('MEMBER-Data: ', memberData);      
       const memberRoles = await member.getRoles();
       console.log('MEMBER-ROLES: ', memberRoles);  
       const memberID = memberData._id;
       console.log('MEMBER-ID: ', memberID);
       const memberProfile = memberData.profile;
       console.log('MEMBER-PROFILE: ', memberProfile);
       const memberDetails = memberData.contactDetails;
       console.log("MEMBER-DETAILS: ", memberDetails);     
       memberData.memberID = memberID;
       memberData.memberRoles = memberRoles;
       memberData.memberBadges = memberBadges;
    console.log('FINAL-MEMBER-DATA: ', memberData);


So normaly you even do not need to set it up on backend, because you can get almost all needed MEMBER-INFO also directly on FRONTEND after the user has logged-in.

But if you sill want to use your way…

$w.onReady(async()=>{console.log("Master-Page running...");   

    wixMembers.authentication.onLogin(async(member)=> { 
         ............your code here to call the backend-function...................