Custom registration form with custom contact info (unitNumber), which is no longer being saved.

I created a new site member and registered. The chrome inspector console showed that a valid unit number had been entered and the registration completed successfully. When I viewed the site contact, the unit number was blank, see below. This used to work a couple of months back (no changes to my code). Any suggestions greatly appreciated. --Jeff.

// For full API documentation, including code examples, visit
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

$w.onReady(function () {



export function showUnitNumber() {
    console.log("unitOwner: " + $w('#unitOwner').checked);
    console.log("resident: " + $w('#unitResident').checked);
 if ($w('#unitOwner').checked === true || $w('#unitResident').checked === true) {
        console.log("showing unit number");
    } else {
        console.log("hiding unit number")

export function unitOwner_change(event) {

export function unitResident_change(event) {

export async function submit_click(event) {
    console.log("clicked submit");

 let emails = [];
 let labels = [];
 let phones = [];
 var pageValid = true;

 const unitOwner = $w('#unitOwner').checked;
 const unitResident = $w('#unitResident').checked;
 const hoaBoard = $w('#hoaBoard').checked;
 const assocMgmt = $w('#assocManagement').checked;

 // insert labels
 if (unitOwner === true) {
 if (unitResident === true) {
 if (hoaBoard === true) {
 if (assocMgmt === true) {

 var unitNumberRequired = unitOwner || unitResident;
 var atLeastOneChecked = unitOwner || unitResident || hoaBoard || assocMgmt;
    console.log("atLeastOneChecked: " + atLeastOneChecked);

 var validationMessage = '';

 var firstName = $w('#firstName').value;
 var firstNameValid = $w('#firstName').valid;
 if (!firstName || firstName.length === 0 || !firstNameValid) {
        validationMessage += 'Please provide your first name\n';
 var lastName = $w('#lastName').value;
 var lastNameValid = $w('#lastName').valid;
 if (!lastName || lastName.length === 0 || !lastNameValid) {
        validationMessage += 'Please provide your last name\n';
 var phone = $w('#phone').value;
 var phoneValid = $w('#phone').valid;
 if (!phone || phone.length === 0 || !phoneValid) {
        validationMessage += 'Please provide your phone number\n';
 var email = $w('#email').value;
 var emailValid = $w('#email').valid;
 if (!email || email.length === 0 || !emailValid) {
        validationMessage += 'Please provide your email address\n';
 var password = $w('#password').value;
 var passwordValid = $w('#password').valid;
 if (!password || password.length === 0 || !passwordValid) {
        validationMessage += 'Please provide your password\n';

 if (!atLeastOneChecked) {
        validationMessage += 'Please check at least one box to qualify for membership\n';
 if (hoaBoard && !unitOwner) {
        validationMessage += 'An HOA Board member must also be a Unit Owner\n';
 var unitNumber = $w('#unitNumber').value;
    console.log("unitNumber: " + unitNumber);
 var unitNumberValid = $w('#unitNumber').valid;
 if (unitNumberRequired) {
 if (!unitNumber || unitNumber.length === 0 || !unitNumberValid) {
            validationMessage += 'Please provide your Unit Number\n';

    pageValid = validationMessage.length === 0;
 if (pageValid) {
 // check for duplicate email
 const emailQueryResults = await wixData.query("EmailDatabase").eq("emailAddress", email).find().catch((err) => {
            validationMessage += "In email query catch block";
            validationMessage += err;
            $w('#validationMessages').text = validationMessage;
 if (emailQueryResults.length > 0) {
            validationMessage += 'Your account already exists, found duplicate email address\n';

    pageValid = validationMessage.length === 0;
 if (!pageValid) {
        $w('#validationMessages').text = validationMessage;

 // register as member using form data
 if (pageValid) {
        console.log("validation passes, registering new member...");
        email = email.toLowerCase();
 const registerResult = await wixUsers.register(email, password, {
 "contactInfo": {
 "firstName": firstName,
 "lastName": lastName,
 "emails": emails,
 "labels": labels,
 "phones": phones,
 "mainPhone": phone,
 "UnitNumber": unitNumber
        }).catch((err) => {
            validationMessage += "In register catch block";
            validationMessage += err;
            $w('#validationMessages').text = validationMessage; //validationMessage;

 if (registerResult.status === "Pending" || registerResult.status === "Approved") {
 // save email address
 let options = {
 "suppressAuth": true,
 "suppressHooks": true
 let toInsert = {
 "emailAddress": email
            wixData.insert("EmailDatabase", toInsert, options).catch((err) => {
                validationMessage += err;
                $w('#validationMessages').text = validationMessage;

            pageValid = validationMessage.length === 0;
 if (pageValid) {
                console.log("opening ack lightbox");
                wixWindow.openLightbox("200RLD Resistration Ack");
                console.log("closing reg lightbox");