how to write the code so that the “submit” button is not active until the required fields are filled in the form?
photo, this is just an example.
HI there I do something similar on my site. Below is the basic structure that I use, you can adapt it to your needs.
$w('#email1, #password1').onChange(() => {
if ($w('#email1').valid && $w('#password1').valid) {
} else {
Good luck!
Thank you for responding! I pasted the code, adjusted it to my fields. But the “send” button remained active. (
@5000101 First, don’t enable the send button by default.
Then , try this:
$w.onReady(function () {
$w("#name").onChange(() => updateSubmitButtonStatus())
$w("#email").onChange(() => updateSubmitButtonStatus())
$w("#phone").onChange(() => updateSubmitButtonStatus())
$w("#problem").onChange(() => updateSubmitButtonStatus())
$w("#tellUs").onChange(() => updateSubmitButtonStatus())
function updateSubmitButtonStatus() {
if (($w("#name").valid == true) && ($w("#email").valid == true) && ($w("#phone").valid == true) && ($w("#tellUs").valid == true)) {
Thank you kind person! Everything is super!) It works! I shake your hand!)