I’m having difficulty getting this project running, and I suspect it’s something I don’t understand about the SetFilter process in the Wix API. This is a little different than the examples currently available.
The “Volunteers” dataset contains records for all our volunteers and contains fields Volunteer (Name), Phone, Email, Date Submitted, CatA, CatB, … CatM. The CatA-CatM represent different work areas in which the respondents have volunteered and contain a 0 (false) if the user did NOT volunteer in that category or a 1 (true) if they did.
Here are my two issues:
1.) Based on the user selection, I want the table to reflect those records that have a 1 (true) in the corresponding field. For example, if the user selects CatA from the dropdown, the table should show all the records with a 1 in the CatA field. If the user then selects CatG, the table should update to reflect those records that contain a 1 (true) in the CatG field.
2.) I’d like the Volunteer (Name) field in the table to be a link that opens a dynamic page containing all the data in that volunteer’s record.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.