Displaying owner's username, profile picture, and comment

Yes and it’s good like it is.
Understood now everything emidiately xD (hopefully :rofl:)

Ahmad, big thanks goes to you! I did it, got the informations out of the shitty “PrivateMembersData”! THX! → your 103th LIKE! :joy:

@russian-dima :joy::sweat_smile:

It was a tough and cold lesson, but you’ve got it, now it’ll be so much easier for you to extract data from the members collection. Congratulations :confetti_ball::tada: :grin: And you’re welcome.

Yes, that’s true. Much easier!
I hope, i can use it in furure masterfully and fast.
Very important part.

I need to try this out! I was looking around the forum but always get errors in my code. Thanks Ahmad, russian-dima and others!

I know you will :wink:

Hello @russian-dima ! If the user changed their profile picture or name, will it update? Thanks.

Hello Arthur,
i am on my way to update my example soon, and yes, that should work.
You will see it runing on my example soon. Give me some time.


Have still a question to this topic.

Ok, i got my info from the “PrivateMembersData” with the help of Back-End-Command, but…

When i look at the API-REFERENCE and compare it with my given RESULTS, there are some differences.

This are the expected results, which should be given after the code has done his job.

/* Returns a promise that resolves to:
 * {  
 *   "id": "dn8sf9c2-4e9f-a02d-a58d-f244d999729a",
 *   "memberName": "John Doe",
 *   "firstName": "John",
 *   "lastName": "Doe",
 *   "nickname": "johnd",
 *   "slug": "johnd123",
 *   "language": "en",
 *   "status": "ACTIVE",
 *   "loginEmail": "john.doe@somedomain.com",
 *   "creationDate": "2019-08-05T11:29:39Z",
 *   "lastUpdateDate": "2019-08-12T12:29:43.810Z",
 *   "lastLoginDate": "2019-08-12T13:42:30Z",
 *   "emails": [
 *     "john.doe@somedomain.com",
 *     "doughyjohn@anotherdomain.com"
 *   ],
 *   "phones": [
 *     "5555555555",
 *     "5555555556"
 *   ],
 *   "labels": [
 *     "contacts-new",
 *     "contacts-site_members_approved"
 *   ],
 *   "picture": {
 *     "url": "https://.../photo.jpg"
 *   }
 *   "customText": "Custom Text",
 *   "customNumber": 12345
 * }

But this one is what i really get…

First-Name + Last-Name + Pic are not in my results.

Am i doing something wrong?

Notice the ( ) after the slug part, all the fields are included, you can make sure that they do exist by logging the first and last name and the profile picture.

Yes i know, i can open the object multiple times, but did not found.
Will take a closer look.
Yes because i did not see FIRST and LAST NAME, my idea was to take the slug or nickname, i saw that one of these consists of FIRST+ LAST-NAME.

But if they also exist separately, so it is much better. Less work for me xD😆
Thanks again !!!

Ok, and at the end, i got it!
It was such a stupid failure of me.
I just did not uploaded a profile-pic.
That was it!:rofl: 2-3 hours of searching analysing and experimenting :joy:

And ready is the comment/chat-box.
Still some little issues, but that also will be patched soon, in my little example :grin:.

Thx Ahmad, today i learned something new.

You’re welcome :wink:

@russian-dima I saw your link and notice that you are using a PrivateMemberData. Am I correct? So you don’t use another database to store the names, emails, and other info of the members? 'Cause I neglect using the PrivateMemberData, and instead use another database collection which I named “Member”.

Hello Eyeglasses,

EXACTLY! Thanks to Ahmad I have finally found a way to get DATA out of the PrivateMembersData and that’s exactly the great thing about it :grin:.

Yes, there are inconveniences when you get to use your own “MEMBER-DATASABE”, i know it. It often starts with a custom registration-page and ends with a lot of issues. But my solution indeed works with the “PrivateMembersData”.

I am still improving it, cause i want give it some perfection :grin:.

I am sure you already saw the improvements. It turns from a simple COMMENT-BOX into a CHAT-BOX. :sunglasses:

Glad that it helped :wink:

I need to start coding if I want to catch up with @russian-dima :sweat_smile:!
Wake up lazy-bones​:rofl::rofl::rofl:!

You were right! (YEAR-2023) and i still remember!
Happy new year my old friend! :sparkler:

Happy new year mate :grin: