Look for it in the:
const myRow = event.target.rows[rowIndex] Object
Hi Roi,
I have tried but still getting error . Can you please help me .
export function table1_rowSelect(event, $w) {
let rowData = event.rowData; // {“fName”: “John”, “lName”: “Doe”}
let rowIndex = event.rowIndex;
const myRow = event.target.rows[rowIndex]
); // myDynamicPage is the name of your dynamic page.
Hoping someone can help me - is there a way to embed a calendar link onto a dynamic page?
Hi Roi
I have a HTML code as
I just want to change the data-identifier text (which here is Robert Downey) of the html element which is at dynamic page of my wixsite as my code differ only at data-identifier. and i want to connect this text inside the data identifier component with my database with field named as “Name”. Please tell me how could i do this. I need your help.
Is it possible to get a text from the database and send it to the html element?
if it is possible, why not create a text field in the database is there put the html code and send it complete to the html element?
Hi all. The htmlComponent either takes a url (I.e. https://www.xyz.xxx) or you add your html to the html component using the edit button on the element. What is seems most folks want to do is use code and not a url.
If you use code The you need to add a message handler that takes a message (the dynamic page info) and updates the html accordingly.
Take a a look at the $w.htmlComponent documentation for how to do this.
I did tried post message and on message to make my page communicate with html element but since i am not good in coding. it didn’t worked for me.
hey mate!
where you ever able to get the correct wix code down?
if so, can i get you assistance with that wix code.
Hello Tom Enden, i have dynamic pages on my website. Is there a way to add schema markup on my dynamic page.
Did you get any solution on this ?