Dynamic URL Value in Email Marketing

Not really a coding question, but I am sure one of you smart people can help on this. I have made an email and I’d like to add a dynamic value: a website address. I have a mailing list on CSV which contains the email and the URL combinations. It is not clear to me how to populate the dynamic website value with the URL in the CSV. Any tips? Thanks in advance.

Do you mean you want to insert dynamic links in work emails? But why would you want to change the website address? Aren’t dynamic links about changing one or several parts of a single website address?
And if the website address is changed, then it’s another link and not a dynamic link. However, you need to ask either an IP specialist about that or a sales professional. I would recommend you to address https://belkins.io/ and ask them for advice. I’ve been working with this marketing agency for some time and they were really good at sending emails to multiple people.