Example: Stripe Payment Processing

I need a very simple Stripe interface setup to accept donations to a charity, with an amount set by the user, and with some form of payment confirmation. This thread is the most information I’ve found to get me there but my limited coding knowledge means it’s a bit outside my abilities. Nonetheless I wanted to say thank you to those who have taken the time to share their knowledge. I would never have gained the (albeit limited) coding knowledge I have if it wasn’t for guys like you. It’s frustrating that I can easily set this up in Wordpress, which I don’t want to use, but it’s not so easy with Wix (which is my preference) if you’re a charity with limited resources. Off to do more searching to see if I can find what I need, but this has definitely got me a few steps closer. Thanks again!

Do you know anyone who has implemented this for another payment system? I have the API Token code from another payment provider (Moneris) but have no idea how to implement it into the Wix stores. This article was suggested to me but in reviewing it, I can see I am out of my depth. So my second question is do you know anyone who would code this for a site for a fee?

Check out Wix Arena as there you should be able to find someone who can do it all for you.

Hi Great post Yisrael, would this work with a 31 day trial run on my website with a monthly membership sub fee? What code would i need to adjust? Or have you a template for this? Thanks

@millwards322 Use the example template from the link in my original post.

@yisrael-wix Hi Yisrael thanks for the swift reply, I’ve already added all the code from the template pages above, but it seems like it’s just ment to purchase an item, and not use a specific product id from stripe that’s linked to a trial within stripe, cheers :beers:

@millwards322 It’s really just an example how to integrate and use Stripe. You can change the code to fit your own use case.

You may also want to check out the WixArena - it’s a hub where you can look for Corvid (and other) experts for hire.

Whoa. Please pardon my ignorance here. This is all very new to me. I’m just barely even discovering Corvid.

I was trying to add a Checkout button from Stripe with an HTML object in the Wix Editor. The code from my Stripe test version works great, but the live version doesn’t work at all.

So in order for me to add a Stripe Checkout button to my Wix site, I could activate Corvid on my Wix site through the Wix Editor and then copy some of the code from the example in this forum post and tweak it as needed.

Is that basically correct?

Correct. If you don’t have experience with Javascript and development it will be a challenge. You might want to consder checking out the Wix Arena where you can find someone to do the job for you.

Cheers Yisrael, i have actually got your example code working but as above it needs tweaking to allow a trial run which i have no clue how to implement, also doing a test run of your example code i had an email off stripe saying this because i live in the uk, should i bother to pursue this now

@millwards322 Stripe is not a Wix product. You should direct your questions to the Stripe customer support.

@yisrael-wix Ok thanks, I might just stick with paid plans on wix, is it true the customer will get a 14 day trial run anyway with the recurring paymen method? I was just worried if my website didn’t get any job leads off customers who need work done, a trader isn’t going’s to be too happy with paying the membership fee up front, that’s why a trial would of been more suitable so they can see if the service brings in any job leads first, thanks for your time :+1:t2:

@millwards322 If you need further details or clarification, I would recommend contacting the Wix support team , as they know best.

@yisrael-wix Hi Yisrae, truthfully wix support have been no help to me at all, i’ve got a bug on my rating display on a repeater, the rating display comes on just before page loads for a second then goes off once the page has loaded, the display is connected to my dataset and not by code… they told me it’s a problem because it’s connected through code, and yet it isn’t lol they told me to come to corvid :joy: so yes not much help there, think it’s a bug on there end, sorry for going off topic on that, if i was to have a professional a like yourself l finish off my website for me how much as a guide price would you charge? Or isn’t this something you would entertain?


@millwards322 I work for Wix, I don’t do freelance.

You may want to check out the WixArena - it’s a hub where you can look for Corvid (and other) experts for hire.

Concerning the rating display…

Please post the editor URL of your site. Only authorized Wix personnel can get access to your site in the editor. Please include the name of the page involved.

@yisrael-wix https://editor.wix.com/html/editor/web/renderer/edit/e06dba34-baad-4c4e-9d31-22d044842251?metaSiteId=6a3771f4-6183-460f-9269-eff9f86f46ae&editorSessionId=F0BF0A63-2A10-4B29-8D5A-7E3AA9F8D4CF

the page is user-profile-data

cheers for this

Would it be possible to use the same code, but just replace it with voguepay api

VougePay also have their own support pages that you can make use of too.


There you will be able to see code examples too of how to do things with VoguePay.

Html integration / VoguePay API / Demo accounts