Failed to import user code script--Can anyone here help me??

Everyone assumed this one had a brain.

Yup, Lightbox.

Glad you’re running again. Know how frustrating it is, when suddenly things stop working and support sends you these canned emails with “contact Forum or an expert”. Just for my info: at my end, the “user script” problem was a Velo-not-loading problem: all elements on a page (pics, buttons, etc) were rendered, but anything Velo would not work (onClick for a button, tags which were generated from Velo, etc).
Was that the same with you?

You’re not kidding…I think I felt something snap in my brain when that happened. :rofl:

And, yes, exactly, everything that was not Velo loaded fine: all elements, pics, editor-linked buttons and menus worked. The issue was only my front and back end code. But, since my site so heavily relies on Velo now, it sure didn’t do much!

So, from your investigations, what do you think causes it?

You’ll be surprised to hear how many people do not know how to run basic debugging. So, including basic info in the comments doesn’t mean someone assumed you were a “flipping idiot” (sorry if I gave you that feeling). After all, no one can know what your knowledge level is, and most of the times Wix sites are created by users who are not familiar with code at all.

Anyway, I couldn’t see any problem with your code, and it looks like only people from Wix can look into it (I don’t work at Wix). Next time if it happens maybe contact the support (maybe they’ll be able to help).

Oh, I had contacted them…but it was the weekend, and getting through to anyone at the velo team is like pulling teeth. It was the lower tier support ppl that had insulted me in the first place, so by the time I got on here, I was desperate and cranky;) …I know there’s no way you could’ve known how much I know (lol, I only know what I’ve taught myself or learned here…many things from your old posts, by the way.) And, you’re not wrong, most times the simple answer is the right one!

I joined the Discord forum a couple days ago, and help on that forum has been great. I am still super freaked out about WIX’s reliability. If my velo code is randomly inaccessible, I’m definitely in trouble! :confused:

Thanks for your input…you were right about the lightbox, and sorry for being oversensitive! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: