Filtering Category Page

I have in my home page two logos that I would like to use as links to category page. Clicking on each logo I want to filter categories to Category page using script. How?

You will need something into this direction…

import WixData from 'wix-data'

let DATABASE = "your Collection-ID here";
let dbFields = [];

$w.onReady(()=>{console.log('Page ready...);
		dbFields[0] = "ENTER CURRENT DB-FIELD-ID-here";
		let data = await filterProcess(dbFields[0], value);
		dbFields[1] = "ENTER CURRENT DB-FIELD-ID-here";
		let data = await filterProcess(dbFields[1], value);	

function filterProcess(dbField, value) {
	return wixData.query()
	.eq(dbField, value)
	.then((res)=>{return res.items})

Try to complete this, to get your function.

Take a look onto the RESULTS in the CONSOLE.