Help in connecting Duffel/API

I have asked to connected to Duffel API, and I have the token access to there database in order to use it in my project.
Below is the JavaScript they used

yarn add @ duffel / api

import { Duffel } from ‘@duffel/api’

const duffel = new Duffel ({

Since no yarn in Velo I modify it as follow
// using wix fetch code below

import { fetch } from ‘wix-fetch’ ;

// …

fetch ( “Overview<!-- --> | Duffel Documentation” , { “method” : “get” })
. then (( httpResponse ) => {
let url = httpResponse . url ;
let statusCode = httpResponse . status ;
let statusText = httpResponse . statusText ;
let headers = httpResponse . headers ;
let bodyUsed = httpResponse . bodyUsed ;
if ( httpResponse . ok ) {
return httpResponse . json ();
} else {
return Promise . reject ( “Fetch did not succeed” );
. then (( json ) => {
console . log ( json . someKey );
. catch (( err ) => {
console . log ( err );

but it missing some extra code !

Velo npm modules are irrelevant for this part
there url is

Could anyone please show me how to do it. Or send me an example to follow. Thank you in advance.