Searching for a developer…whould pay for the code.
It’s very easy, no need to spend 150 bucks for that. Just go to the settings of product widget in editor, then go to design panel, there you find the text settings. Just change the theme of the text along with the font.
The image shows meta tag for SEO though.
Let me know if you need help with it. It’s a 5 minute job.
I tried it that way allready. The option is not there…yes ok, but I think you need to go a little deeper.
I have no knowledge of html. You can write me a personal message. There we can clear all necessary thinks. Whould spend also more if this works this way…like 250, 300max.
After working some time with V-Blog we figured out that (see pic 1) isn´t working - isn´t it my friend? Whould be a disaster if we´re wrong
Correct us if we are wrong!
Acctually Wix implemented a SEO-Assistant which makes big sence due to our century and the big mass of websites concuring against each other got harder. The most websites in the meantime use the h2-tag in the product direct and not in the category.
The reason why this is happening is because of the mass of websites - you want better to get found with a product than get lost with you´r site.
In the past you could also get a adequate h-tag hierarchy if you wanted - but you needed to work with text-blocks (additional seo-tools not mentioned). For the future I think it makes big sense to have the option which mentioned V-Blog. Hello support - is the support there?
It whould be great to have the possibility to assign a h-tag to the categories (grid-gallery). The simpliest way whould be to have it in the design option rather than working around with some api. The reason why is: Who know´s how it will turn around. Maybe there will be a mass of insolvencies and then it makes more sence to have this option, too. Whould be great to have both options.
Hello is somebody out there who could correct me?