@Mitchell Hymel
Thanks for the post! For some reason I am running into the the issue where when the message is sent to the iframe, this section of the code does not execute:
const promise = firebase.signInWithEmailAndPassword(event.data.useremail,event.data.pass)
var errorCode = error.code;
if (errorCode==‘auth/invalid-email’)
I am assuming that the firebase.x call is not functioning for some reason. Do you have any ideas?
@juancarlosvalverdeso @yisrael-wix After installing the the firebase, not working for me, the error message is “can not find module fs”…
We are aware of the issue regarding the firebase module and I am pleased to inform you that our technical team has implemented a fix and we do not expect any further difficulties regarding this matter.
Can you please doublecheck if it works properly on your side and let us know?
Thanks in advance, we await for your reply.
Hi Anastasiia,
With latest version of the firebase module (v7.7.0), I get an error saying 'Error loading web module backend/firebase.jsw: Cannot find module ‘protobufjs’.
Please add a new forum post for this instead of bumping old posts with links for reference back to them.
Add it.