Issue with Setting Image src in Repeater from getCurrentCart lineItems

Hello Wix Community,

I’m facing an issue while working with a repeater in Wix to display items from the current cart using the getCurrentCart function. The problem arises when I try to set the src property of an image element in the repeater.


Functionality: I’m retrieving the current cart’s line items using the following code:

import { Permissions, webMethod } from "wix-web-module";
import wixStoresBackend from "wix-stores-backend";

export const getCurrentCart = webMethod(
  () => wixStoresBackend.getCurrentCart()

Usage in Repeater:

import { getCurrentCart } from 'backend/cart.web';

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w('#cart-repeater').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
        $item('#product-name').text =;
        $item('#product-image').src = itemData.mediaItem.src;
        console.log('itemData.mediaItem.src', itemData.mediaItem.src);
        $item('#product-price-single').text = itemData.priceData.price.toLocaleString("de-DE", { style: "currency", currency: itemData.currency });
        $item('#product-price-total').text = itemData.priceData.totalPrice.toLocaleString("de-DE", { style: "currency", currency: itemData.currency });
        $item('#product-size').text = `${itemData.options[0].option}: ${itemData.options[0].selection}`;
        $item('#product-counter').value = itemData.quantity;

async function populateCartItems() {
    const cart = await getCurrentCart();
    console.log('cart', JSON.stringify(cart));
    const { lineItems } = cart;
    $w('#cart-repeater').data = => ({ ...item, _id: item.productId, currency: cart.currency.code }));
    $w('#cart-status-box').changeState(lineItems.length > 0 ? 'full' : 'empty');

Example Cart Data:

  "_id": "82bc5b2e-a188-4069-9659-d90fdff0778a",
  "status": "INCOMPLETE",
  "billingAddress": null,
  "appliedCoupon": null,
  "buyerInfo": { "identityType": "VISITOR" },
  "currency": { "symbol": "€", "code": "EUR" },
  "lineItems": [
      "id": 1,
      "productId": "9c7c81da-8ff2-40ab-a6d8-6cf0e3833010",
      "name": "2 in 1: Ganganalyse und Einlagen",
      "quantity": 2,
      "weight": 1,
      "lineItemType": "PHYSICAL",
      "customTextFields": [],
      "mediaItem": {
        "src": "wix:image://v1/https:/bf4b98_82e57741606445e787fbc0ff5b9d9d83~mv2.jpg#originWidth=2511&originHeight=3348",
        "type": "IMAGE"
      "options": [{ "option": "Schuhgröße", "selection": "36" }],
      "convertedPriceData": { "price": 249, "totalPrice": 498 },
      "priceData": { "price": 249, "totalPrice": 498 },
      "price": 249,
      "totalPrice": 498
      "id": 2,
      "productId": "7dcb6746-e289-f532-dd33-313c4fc4a957",
      "name": "Ganganalyse",
      "quantity": 1,
      "lineItemType": "PHYSICAL",
      "customTextFields": [],
      "mediaItem": {
        "src": "wix:image://v1/https:/bf4b98_4b9ce5b257a648b1bf2c2557dd6a154b~mv2.png#originWidth=2472&originHeight=3276",
        "type": "IMAGE"
      "options": [{ "option": "Schuhgröße", "selection": "36" }],
      "convertedPriceData": { "price": 149, "totalPrice": 149 },
      "priceData": { "price": 149, "totalPrice": 149 },
      "price": 149,
      "totalPrice": 149,
      "weight": 0
  "shippingInfo": null,
  "totals": {
    "discount": 0,
    "quantity": 3,
    "shipping": 0,
    "subtotal": 647,
    "tax": 0,
    "total": 647,
    "weight": 2
  "weightUnit": "KG"

When I try to set the image src using the mediaItem.src property, I get the error stating that the src must be a valid URL. The src value I’m dealing with looks like this:


It appears that there’s an extra https:/ in the URL, which is likely causing the issue.

What I’ve Tried:

  • I attempted to remove the extra https:/ from the URL before setting the src, which partially worked, but I still encountered the same error.
  • I logged both the original and modified URLs to verify their correctness.

Request for Help:

Has anyone else faced a similar issue with getCurrentCart and handling wix:image:// URLs? Is there a more reliable way to format these URLs or handle this situation? Any advice or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your assistance!

Best regards

If you’re having trouble displaying images from your current cart in a Wix repeater due to the wix:image:// URL format, you need to convert these URLs to standard HTTPS URLs before setting them as the src for your image elements. Here’s how you can do it:

import { getCurrentCart } from ‘backend/cart.web’;
import wixMedia from ‘wix-media’; // Import Wix Media module

$w.onReady(function () {
$w(‘#cart-repeater’).onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
$item(‘#product-name’).text =;

    // Convert the wix:image URL to a valid HTTPS URL
    const imageUrl = wixMedia.getImageUrl(itemData.mediaItem.src);
    $item('#product-image').src = imageUrl;

    $item('#product-price-single').text = itemData.priceData.price.toLocaleString("de-DE", { style: "currency", currency: itemData.currency });
    $item('#product-price-total').text = itemData.priceData.totalPrice.toLocaleString("de-DE", { style: "currency", currency: itemData.currency });
    $item('#product-size').text = `${itemData.options[0].option}: ${itemData.options[0].selection}`;
    $item('#product-counter').value = itemData.quantity;


This code ensures that images are displayed correctly by converting the wix:image:// URLs to standard HTTPS URLs that can be rendered by browsers.