when I call
currentMember . getMember ({ fieldsets : [ ‘FULL’ ]})
members . getMember ( member . _id , { fieldsets : [ ‘FULL’ ]})
from backend code for a specific member, I get the full set of information for the member.
However, when I call
members . getMember ( event . order . memberId, { fieldsets : [ ‘FULL’ ]})
from within wixPaidPlans_onPlanPurchased ( event ) - in events.js - the returned member object is missing information such as contactDetails.emails.
Don’t know why this is not working here. The order memberId is correct. I have put test code in many other places (outside of events.js) and the member.contactDetails.emails always has the correct info.
Any help would be appreciated as I need the member’s email when processing a paid subscription