PDF Generation

Hello all. I am a programmer/web designer but a complete newbie with WIX and Velo.

I’m trying to figure out a way (or figure out if it’s even possible) to…

Essentially this is the workflow…

  1. A user purchases a digital item, upon adding it to their basket, it asks who it’s for, and for any extra notes.

  2. The user buys the item and WIX pings off to something like PDFGeneratorAPI with the data from the two form fields and receives a URL to a custom PDF back. I know this can be done, as this guy does it here: Youtube - GiXVEKdmWtk (I have gone through his 3 videos and it does indeed work)

  3. The user gets to a thank you page which then has a button which, when clicked, sends them to that generated PDF.

  4. The user can also go to their orders page and see a link to their PDF next to the order.

  5. The user, if possible, also receives an email with the link to the PDF.

Problems I’m seeing…

  1. At the moment, the only way I can add custom inputs to a product is declaring it as “Physical” product. Then I can add in custom fields to the product. Adding the product as a “Digital” product does not have the options for custom fields. It’s not ideal having it as a Physical product as it asks for the user’s address which I don’t need. And I also don’t need to ship anything.

  2. Doing it as a physical product (I can’t see a way around this, but please tell me otherwise!) I can’t see a way to add custom links or buttons to order items or thank you pages.


I’m I chasing a lost cause? Is this possible? Or is WIX and Velo not ideal for this project?

Not bad of course said, it’s hard to find fault. I wholeheartedly support this and have nothing much to add. I know of course some more information. Now I just found http://essaypapers.reviews/ to solve my personal problems. So there is time to share. Curious what anyone else thinks about this.