I’m new to Wix, and I’m having trouble finding a way to host a static array of strings representing a set of product names. The strings are fetched by an iOS application using https. Preferably, the list would not be visible to users and is not user-interactive. Could someone please indicate if this is possible and point me toward the Wix technologies with which I can accomplish this? I need no help on the iOS side. I’m only asking about Wix.
You can use the wix-fetch module to get the data from the iOS application assuming it has the proper API set up to deal with requests.
Read more about it - here
“An implementation of the standard Javascript Fetch API which can be used in public and backend code for fetching resources from 3rd party services using HTTPS.”
After you get the data, you can either store it in an array or in a collection depending on your requirments.
To insert it into a collection, follow the steps - here .
Thank you very much for your kind reply. I’ve carefully read the material at the links you provided and feel I may not have expressed my goal clearly. Here’s what I hope to do:
Use Wix to host an array of product names (Before moving our site to Wix, we had a JSON file containing the product names on our previous host server.)
The product names are not used in the website. They’re used in the iOSApplication. (The iOS application fetches the product names FROM a server using https.)
The best solution would be to upload a JSON file to Wix containing the product names and have the iOS application fetch that data. I haven’t found a way to do this.
I’ve considered scraping a HTML element containing the product names on a hidden Wix page, but this is a really poor way to address such a simple need.
Please pardon my delay to your reply. Being new to Wix, I didn’t realize that I should use the “Check It Out” button in the original e-mail to review new postings. I though they would come as new e-mails. Thank you for your time and help. I’ll research your suggestions.