Hi all I am sure this has been asked before but I am struggling to find the correct method of implementing this on our site.
1.Parent registers for the site(uses Standard Wix Reg page)
2.Parent needs to build a profile for their children Ben John and Julie to play and tick t&c’s add DOB Profile pic detail any medical conditions etc
3.Once entered this info needs to be saved to the database for me (site owner) to see/download to tell coaches of any issues etc
4. Data needs to be visible to the Parent every time they log in in case medical info changes or they want to change or delete player
5. Every time an update happens on the parents side it needs to update the data base
That’s the process
I have seen tables but they look horrible can you get a customized page to collect and hold this detail?
Also i want to be able to do a bulk CSV download of this info
Finally to add another level of complexity
Would it be possible to allocate “purchased plans” to the individual player profile
Thanks in advance