Using Repeater to Expand and Collapse Elements


I have created a repeater with icons with which I would like to use to:

1) Expand/Collapse different strips on the page 
2) Connect to different Anchor points on the page. 

The second one is less important than the first.

Essentially I would like it to function like the video of the restaurant menu below

Here is the code for the restaurant menu:

export function button6_click ( event ) {
let isCollapsed = $w ( “#columnStrip1” ). collapsed ;
if ( $w ( ‘#columnStrip1’ ). collapsed ) {
$w ( ‘#columnStrip1’ ). expand ()
$w ( ‘#columnStrip2’ ). collapse ()
$w ( ‘#columnStrip3’ ). collapse ()
$w ( ‘#columnStrip4’ ). collapse ()
$w ( ‘#columnStrip5’ ). collapse ()
$w ( ‘#columnStrip6’ ). collapse ();
$w ( ‘#columnStrip1’ ). collapse ();
//Add your code for this event here:

and it’s repeated for the different strips and buttons.

Here is a video for the restaurant menu.

I don’t even know where to begin with how to write the code for what I am envisioning.

Any advice, answers, or help is appreciated :sparkling_heart: