Wix Forum Has a SERIOUS Typing Glitch on FireFox

Whether I’m on this Wix Forum or on my own Wix Forum on my site, I noticed there is an extremely aggravating glitch on type. Whenever I finish a sentence with a punctuation and then hit space to start a new sentence, the cursor gets thrown all the way to the beginning of the text input field. Every time I try to reposition the cursor back to spot I need to continue writing at and hit any character, I get thrown right back to the beginning of the text input field again.

I noticed this happens 100% of the time on FireFox browser (latest version). I am typing this on Safari now and no glitch. Sometimes it doesn’t happen when I hit the space bar only once after punctuation, but that only reduces the glitch by about 30%. It takes forever to make a comment or a post here, and even more interruptive as I try and edit the forum on my site. It makes it almost impossible to enter/edit content. PLEASE take a look at this :slight_smile:

ACTUALLY…I SPOKE TOO SOON!!! IT IS HAPPENING ALSO ON SAFARI!!! :**( Just not as bad. It goes in and out…

Thanks Wix Team !lated to FireFox usage, I will also include, more than 50% of the Wix Forum links I find through google searches, take me to a 502 BAD GATEWAY page. I can get that same link and open it fine here on Safari every time, that I’ve noticed. There was already a post made about this by CODE QUEEN Nayeli which I also commented on about this, but that was weeks ago and it still happening. Please comment if you are experiencing this as well.

Thanks Wix Team!

  • Nelson
1 Like

Hi Nelson,
Thank you for your informative feedback. I’ve forwarded your feedback to the relevant department.
As a general note, I recommend posting your Wix Forum feedback here .

Have a good day,

Thank you Tal. I remember you mentioned this in the last post this was discussed in but I was having trouble finding the Feedback page. Thanks for the link and the quick response to this important matter.


I am experiencing the same space bar glitch. Actually it is happening in this forum. This is very frustrating.

Hi Tom,
Please post your feedback regarding the Wix Forum product here .
