Wix slick carousel in Wix Studio (with thumbnails & images from CMS)

I don’t see that the Pro-Gallary provides such a possibility, for example like a box do…

No CSS-Options, at least i can’t find any.


Maybe some older posts can give you new ideas… (all about GALLARIES)…

  1. Next and previous button in light box - #14 by russian-dima
  2. How can I search for images in Pro Gallery
  3. Is there a way to set the description for images in a wix pro gallery? - #15 by maher
  4. Upload image and preview in gallery - #2 by russian-dima
  5. How to create gallery by code?
  6. How to create gallery by code? - #8 by petrmeissner
  7. How to setup a link to open in current tab when using Wix Pro Gallery with a dataset
  8. Expanding a pro gallery doesn't work - #7 by info1066
  9. Disable click/link on item in wix pro gallery?
  10. Autoplay for "Slider Gallery (Sphere)" - #17 by endawrajdeep
  11. Need help to connect and display Wix Pro Gallery in the lightbox by clicking the repeater - #2 by russian-dima

You will find surely more informations about GALLARIES when you search for it.
Collect all informations about GALLARIES (Wix-Pro-Gallary) and find out how to make a workaround, or if not possible —> go back to an HTML-Version (HTML-Component) and create your own one, connecting it to your Wix-Page.