Hi all, I want to create a recipe page with 3 different checkbox groups for different filters.
Currently, I have 1 checkbox group and linked it to a repeater.
Could anyone assist in guiding me on how to add 2 more checkbox groups to the repeater?
I went digging online but have yet to find a solution
Here is the code that i found online:
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
const databaseName = ‘Recipes1’ ;
const databaseField = ‘tags’ ;
$w.onReady( function () {
$w( '#checkboxGroup1' ).onChange((event) => {
const selectedBox = $w( ‘#checkboxGroup1’ ).value;
function addItemstoRepeater(selectedOption = ) {
let dataQuery = wixData.query(databaseName);
if (selectedOption.length > 0 ) {
dataQuery = dataQuery.hasSome(databaseField, selectedOption);
.then(results => {
const filtereditemsReady = results.items;
$w( ‘#repeater1’ ).data = filtereditemsReady;