A clear/reset button on product options

I have a product with multiple linked options, if a user select a fabric and color but wants to select a different fabric again, the fabric drop down list contains only the already selected option and no way to deselect those options. Is there a way to add a clear button to native Wix product options on the frontend ? I looked everywhere for a solution but I couldn’t find any specific to product options.

Thanks for your help


If you are referring to built-in Wix Stores App reach out to Wix Customer Care . They will be of great help. This forum is only for code related issues and discussions.

If you have implemented your own product page you can refer to refreshButton_click and clearSelection() functions in this example.

Good luck!

Abdelilah Moun did you ever get a work around or an answer on how to do this? I’ve been on the phone with Wix Customer Care and they don’t have an answer. This should be a pretty easy thing to do.

I’ve been looking if there is a way to do it with a custom button and code it, but I can’t find where there is information on the built in aspects of the page (aka the product options)

I just dropped Wix all together, I didn’t have the time nor the patience for such basic feature. Sorry

I was able to make a work around. It’s not perfect, but it gets my options functioning. (There is a second semi-work-around, but it doesn’t really solve the ‘reset’ problem in selecting options: simply place the options that you do not offer as “out of stock”. Customers can see the other options, but still will not be able to select them.)

The issue is I have 3 formats of print (Paper, Canvas, and Aluminum) and various sizes for each format. BUT the print options don’t include EVERY size. For example, you can order a 8x10 paper print, but this size isn’t available in Canvas or aluminum. The user needs to clear the size option in order to see ALL the format options again. (They could also select a size that is available in the other formats and wix will show those formats, of course this requires the user knowing what those are OR a trial and error process…)

My work around is to add a "Show all OPTIONS (“Reset”) option in the subsequent options. (In My case 2: the 1st being Format, the second being Size.) If you have a third option such as “Framing” (“Framed”, “Unframed”) you’ll need to add the “Reset” option in that product option.

Next, you’ll need to set the “reset” option to a zero value in your ‘manage variants’ area by setting the +/- value to zero out the retail. for example the BASE print of the prints are $55. I set the “Reset” Value to -$55. This will create a slight issue when you offer a sale in a dollar amount as you will get a negative price. WIX will not allow a negative value into your cart, so you’re safe from paying out to a customer. It won’t be an issue for % sales. You will not be able to edit the variants without changing the value to a 0 again OR turning off the sale.

You can see this work around live on my site www.MichaelGormanGallery.com/Shop Find a photo print for sale.