On the main page of my Wix Studios designed site I have a section describing all of my services. It is clearly visible in the version I edit. I have published it multiple times. It is not hidden when I check layers. And yet, when I go to open the website on a web browser it isn’t at all visible. The section above it (an image and title with a link) shift down, down, down until the next section appears. It is visible on the mobile version.
I cannot work it out! Any ideas?
[Wix Studio]
What are you trying to achieve:
[I want this section of services to be fully visible]
What have you already tried:
[I have checked the layers - this section is not hidden and there is nothing “different” about this section that I can see. I have re-published it after expanding and editing it. Nothing…]
Additional information:
[I am new to Wix and Wix Studios. Please explain it to me in very basic terms.]
Thanks so much. I have set both sections to Fixed Height now and the invisible section is visible! Woo hoo!
However, the section that was hidden is now publishing with the cards (3 per line, 6 per section) overlap each other. They don’t look like that in the editable version, just in the published version. So odd. And in the mobile version every first and third card have swapped order.
Confusing! Any help is so very much appreciated! Thanks!
I’ve moved the website boxes further apart and now they aren’t overlapping; but there is an annoying gap between each section. It’s so odd because I moved them closer together, checked “preview” and they looked fine; but when I published it, it looked different and further apart this time [sigh].
The mobile version has them out of order, it is bizarre. I managed to get them so they weren’t all on top of each other; but the changed order is maddening…