A curation mechanism
Hi! Check out this coding example for creating a “like button”: https://www.wix.com/corvid/example/custom-like-button
You can store the number of “likes” in a database and then sort the items by this number: https://www.wix.com/corvid/reference/wix-data.WixDataSort.html
Angela, I found a like and dislike function that I would really like to use
Like Button Rating https://www.wix.com/app-market/like-button/overview
Can I auto-sort them with the code you provided at this link? https://www.wix.com/corvid/reference/wix-data.WixDataSort.html
I’m about an intermediate developer. I may have trouble implementing it. Can I get help from you or this forum to complete this project? I need to be sure I have someone backing me up on this one. It’s a huge project for a University. I have to be confident I can complete the work before accepting the job.
Thank you so much for any advice you can provide.