About the Collaboration category

The place to find your next job or collab project

This category is dedicated to fostering connections between those offering job and collaboration opportunities and those seeking out those opportunities.

Here are some guidelines to ensure a productive collaboration experience:

If you’re SHARING a collaboration opportunity

  • Clear and concise topics - when sharing an opportunity, check your topic is clear, concise, and informative. Include details where you can, such as skills needed and location.
  • When you’ve found someone to collaborate on a project, mark your topic as solved. This helps others know which opportunities are still open.
  • We encourage you to reach out to people you think might be a good fit for the collaboration opportunity, while respecting our community code of conduct

If you’re LOOKING for collaboration opportunities

  • Ask yourself if you’re the right person for the opportunity. Don’t just respond to every opportunity, consider if you have the skills to complete the collaboration.
  • Wait for the OP (Original poster - member who created the topic) to reach out to you for more details. If you’re a potential match, they’ll let you know.

NOTE: This forum is public and receives a high amount of traffic. As such, email addresses should be shared via chat.

We believe in the power of collaboration and the potential for great partnerships to flourish. Make the most of this category and discover exciting professional opportunities. Best of luck in your collaboration journey!