Hi Guys, I created a Backend module called aModule.jws and imported that in my front end code. However, after previewing my code to test it, I see this in the console:
Cannot find module ‘Backend/aModule.jsw’ in ‘public/pages/u9mzr.js’
I imported the function from my backend code like so:
import {backend} from ‘Backend/aModule.jsw’;
Thanks in advance!
import {backend} from 'Backend/aModule.jsw';
Should be 'from ‘backend/…’ and not ‘from Backend/…’
Plus {backend} should be your function name and not just backend.
See this page for more info:
Wix Code: Calling Server-Side Code from the Front-End with Web Modules
Check your permissions too:
Wix Code: About Web Module Permissions
Hi,thanknthankns for your reply.
Sorry about the confusion. My function is called backend. I was testing and chose that name for some strange reason.
Additionally, I am not sure what you mean by this:
Should be 'from ‘backend/…’ and not ‘from Backend/…’
Thanks !
Backend should be changed from this:
import {backend} from 'Backend/aModule.jsw';
Should be like this:
import {backend} from 'backend/aModule.jsw';
@givemeawhisky thank you very much, it did solve my problem