If you have a deeper knowledge about Wix Blocks, you will know that while you can simply drag and drop your custom built Blocks app anywhere on the site, that is not the case with Wix business solutions, such as Wix Stores, Wix Bookings, Wix Blogs etc;
These are Wix built apps, and if you wish to integrate your blocks app in any of these, they have to be added as Plugins, inside of slots, which are specific, pre-defined spaces / locations where you can add your Blocks app.
So if you want to add your custom built Blocks app to your blog post page, you can simply do that by going to the post page, click on + Add Elements > App Widgets and simply drag and drop your widget onto the page.
But if you want to integrate your app directly inside of the Wix Blog / Post widget, there is currently no slot available for the same, as mentioned in my post earlier.
Hi @Pratham you say " if you want to add your custom built Blocks app to your blog post page, you can simply do that by going to the post page, click on + Add Elements > App Widgets and simply drag and drop your widget onto the page."
But I don’t see the app widgets. I built a couple of custom apps but at the moment I can only add them to normal pages, not blog posts.
IMHO, the Wix Blog pages and elements options are extraordinarily basic, especially if you are coming from Wordpress.
There is no real options to add pre designed elements/templates that the the bloggers can selectively add to individual post and just edit in the details.
And what their is for them to use element wise is truly lacking…
In WP, could could create a design a custom Block and add it to the element Add options.
Did not even need a special editor. I could just design something on page and then add it.
Similar to how we can do this on a normal wix page and My Designs.
The text options for an individual post are also very, very limited. no font selection what so ever. I do not understand this and seems over nannying.
Note I am talking about Individual posts creations.
From my experience with the Blog app, yes, it’s pants. Not just from a customisation point of view, and also it’s poorly supported by Wix. The app is dated, crude in functionality and layout terms, and not fit for purpose if you want to integrate it into a Studio site - it can only cope (poorly) with a single break point.
I’ve made numerous attempts to raise these issues with Wix, initially had some reassurances of better things to come, but that was a year ago. All feedback since has fallen on deaf ears. After all, who needs a blog these days - yeah right!
If you want a decent blog then WordPress is probably the way to go unfortunately.