Add a script to whole site, not appearing

Hello everyone, Im trying to add a chat widget from If i add it via a HTML iframe it works, but the box size is too large and it covers the elements in my website. I tried adding it as a custom code at the end of body, at the start of body and at the head but it doesn’t appear. Im no expert in JS, I want to see if anyone can help please! I paste the code below:


Good Morning,
you can add in the iframe html and put as (error loading) and add a fixed button that shows and hides the iframe html, it will only take up space for click if it is being displayed.


 export function chatbuttom_click() {
 //Add your code for this event here: 
 if ($w("#chatbox").collapsed) {
        } else {

(chat box) is the ID of the (iframe html)

Thanks! Ill try that.

Also, Is there a way to resize the html by code? Like if i hover the mouse over the html frame, it expands?

@ddomit Unfortunately I don’t know.
I have an idea but I do not know how to make it work or even if it is possible then.