Add Date Range to Paid Plans

Would it be possible to add an option for members to purchase a paid subcription that covers a custom date range ?

Ie if I wanted to be a “2019 member” I would purchase a plan that would be valid/active between Jan 1st and Dec 31st 2019 etc…

This would be immensily helpful for non profits and associations trying to organise yearly memberships that do not start from the time purchased. Haveing memberships renewed each calendar year is a requirment in my state/country to keep non profit status.


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Hi @rheesrichards ,

Thank you for your message.

You can manually sell purchased plans and specify the start date. Please check this article for more information .

I understand that you want your users to be able to select a start date when they are buying a plan online. However, our current check out page doesn’t have this functionality.

Hi Antanas,

I am not sure that you have understood what I am requesting.

I want to be able to sell a plan that has a pre-determined start and end date set by ME not the customer. So everyone one would be buying a plan that lasts from Jan 1st to Dec 31st.

Instead all I can setup are plans that start from when the custmer purchases the plan.

Going back after a customer has purchased the plan and changing the dates is simply not economical and makes no sense.


@rheesrichards Got it.

At the moment this is not possible. We constantly work to improve our product and we will take you needs into consideration for the future development. Unfortunately, at the moment I can’t provide you any information when it could be added.