Add Pagination into Blog

I have a site where all pages are blog, but I have a question about pagination. each feed has a limited number of posts, How do I add pagination to the pages of my blog?

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You can add 2 buttons to the page (call them “Next” and “Previous”), from the connect menu, connect them to the same dataset as the feed, and link them to “Next page”, “Previous page” actions

In a blog, how can I link the dataset?
My blog is not based on the database, I tried the database and I did not succeed.
Would you give more information like codes?

If the issue is to move to a different page in the end of the posts in the page, then you can do that without code, by adding a buttons to the page, and link them to the page you want to move.
If the scenario is different, then please elaborate more (could help if you also give the link to your site)

Have a great day,

Thank you for helping us.

What happens is that in the main feed and custom when it arrives at the limit of posts they start to disappear, for not having a pagination does not have access to the older posts.
We are having difficulties with the blog feed because we do not have much freedom to mess with it (like connecting it with a button or something else).
What exactly we want to do is: When the feed arrives at the post limit per page, the pagination with the oldest posts appears in the main and custom feed.

We worked with the old Wix Blog, and in it this pagination option was already in its configuration.


I’m sorry for the confusion. Currently it’s not possible to integrate Wix Code with Wix Blog (both the old Blog and the new Blog). However, you can custom your Blog feed. Please contact Wix support team to help you with this matter since they know best :slight_smile:

Have a good day,