Add Search Bar to Editor X

It is almost a must let the visitor to be able to search the website. Please add that Menu Button!


It is absolutley necessary that visitors can search the site.

Yes! I hope that this is something that happens soon.

Hi @carmorales ,

Thanks for your feedback and suggestion! We understand how important it would be to have a Search Bar on your site. Currently we don’t support this feature yet, but we are constantly working to improve the experience and capabilities of Editor X. Stay tuned for updates!

Please feel free to reach out again if you have any more feedback or ideas for us.

Editor X Team

Thanks for your reply. I think many people using Editor X would really appreciate if you could give us an ETA for that feature.

Waiting for it…


Waiting for it…

Still no update?


After switching from ecwid to editor x I can’t believe there’s no search bar. Surely this is part of the basics. Surely no one can have a functioning ecommerce site without it!

@naamar @noasp @sebi-vidret @lironm

Any updates please? It’s been in the works for the best part of the year it seems.


We’re absolutely aware of the need and we work intensively to complete the work and open it to users very soon.
Stay tuned just a bit more.

Kind regards,

Thank you for the feedback

Hello, do we have any updates on this? We have a client project going live at the end of the month and we keep telling them search will be available soon. Thank you.

@info50984 Yeah the app I was using has started to play up. What do you need a search bar for? I’m attempting to code it in now which I believe is actually quite easy if you just need it for products

@mitch-v The whole website, products, blogs etc…

The missing search bar is actually a big missing feature, it should be one of the first thing to add to a website, I don’t understand why is not there… editor x wow yeah, but… not that wow with no search bar… I’m starting to think I should change platform

@insanittyskateboard there is a search bar now on editor x. Look into it.