Add Text to image and make it downloadable

Hi everyone!

I would like to achieve the following and I would be grateful for any tips:

I have an image (a zertificate after a training) and I would like to add a form for clients to put in their name. This text should then appear on the image (I think I know how to get this part done).
Afterwards the image includig the text should be downloadable as image. This is where I need help.

Anny suggestions appreciated.

Best Regards

It looks like you’re looking for professional support with modifying your site. Try either the Collaboration section of the forum or for paid support.

$w.onReady(function () {
// Add an event handler to a button click (replace “button1” with the ID of your button)
$w(“#button1”).onClick(() => {
// Generate the certificate with the user’s name
const certificateContent = generateCertificate($w(“#nameInput”).value);

    // Trigger the download of the certificate


function generateCertificate(name) {
// Create the certificate content dynamically
const certificateContent = <div> <h1>Certificate of Completion</h1> <p>This is to certify that ${name} has successfully completed the training.</p> <!-- Add signature here if needed --> </div> ;

return certificateContent;


function downloadCertificate(content) {
// Convert the certificate content to a data URL
const dataUrl = ‘data:text/html;charset=utf-8,’ + encodeURIComponent(content);

// Create a hidden anchor element
const link = document.createElement('a'); = 'none';

// Set the href attribute of the anchor element to the data URL
link.setAttribute('href', dataUrl);

// Set the download attribute of the anchor element
link.setAttribute('download', 'certificate.html');

// Programmatically click the anchor element to trigger the download;

// Remove the anchor element from the DOM

This would be a good starting point if you know code otherwise i would recommend hiring someone for the custom task

Something similar to be found here…