Adding a form button to external site?

I’m trying to add a form that gets submitted to an external site ( I have inserted the form code in the html app, and when the user submits the form it should launch the page at the remote site. But instead, it launches the external page in a tiny iframe, the size of the button. How can I insert the form code and have it launch an external page in a new window?

Hay rob,

This is a question that is not about Wix Code product, and as such not supported here.

What you are looking for the target member of the link element in your HTML - checkout the public docs for tab and target for this.

Thank you for your response Yoav. Unfortunately it is not a link I am working with, but a web form. Where can I post this question?

Try the Wix Support, or generic forums about web forms.

If you post the code, we can try and have a look here, but without it this is as far as we can help.

Thank you anyway. I’ll try another provider.