Adding a java script live stream to wix

Hi i’m trying to add a java script code to my Funeral Home web page so that people can live stream their loved ones funeral from our web page.
I do have an iframe code but even though the code works and has that it can enlarge the screen it won’t acutally allow you to make the screen bigger.
so i’m trying the java script one but i can’t work it out.

I’ve tried embedding the iframe code it works but you still can’t enlarge the screen.

Please help if you can i’m starting to go a little bit insane trying to work this out.
Thank you in advance

This forum is dedicated to Corvid and and can’t provide support for HTML scripts. The following example might be of some help for enlarging the screen to full screen.

Fullscreen with HTML Component
This example demonstrates the requestFullscreen method of the HTML fullscreen API as used to change a specified element to full screen.

I would suggest Creating an Online Zoom Event in Wix Events . This would present the most seamless way to stream on your site.

If you need further details or clarification, I would recommend contacting Wix Customer Care .