Hi all,
Thank you for taking your time for reading this, I was wondering if anyone knows how to add a single multiple choice question, to product pages, 1 out of 3 check box’s and 1 must be ticked in order to add the product to basket?
Thanks in advance.
Are you trying to set something up using code?
If so please give us a bit more info on exactly what you are going for and what the check boxes are for.
If it’s just general product options that must be chosen before adding to the cart you can do that without adding code to your site.
Adding and Managing Product Options in Wix Stores
If you are just adding product options and require any further assistance please contact Wix Support as this forum is specifically for questions about Corvid by Wix.
Hope this helps!
Dara | Corvid Team
Hey Dara,
Basically what me and my partners are trying to set up is a Raffle company and before purchase of the tickets for the desired competition they wish to enter or before adding the tickets to the cart, we need the customers to answer a common knowledge question, so we need the add cart button or the checkout securely to not accept the response until 1 of 3 answers are ticked, if this is possible.
Thank you for your time
Lawrence | WebDesign Noob
Unfortunately it’s not possible to interact with individual elements on the Wix Stores product page with code.
You could build your own product page and do this though.
You would just have to add radio buttons for the question and 3 possible answers and a submit button.
You could then set the submit button to be disabled and determine if one of the radio buttons has been selected with the valid() function. Then set the submit button to be enabled once a selection has been made.
Hope this helps!
Dara | Corvid Team