Hi, I’m trying to create a website with a sidebar menu similar to the one on this Wordpress template (remove the space before the ‘com’ for the link to work): https://themes.muffingroup. com/be/cottage2/?utm_source=webdesignerdepot.com&utm_medium=content&utm_campaign=nov21
I can achieve this with a 250px wide container box that is pinned to the top left of the screen, and that has the logo and menu items within it.
I would also like to have a full-width gallery on this website, to show off an illustration portfolio.
However, my challenge is that when the gallery is set to “stretch”, 250px of it is always behind the sidebar menu.
I’m basically looking for some code I can add to the side to tell the gallery element:
a) to stretch to 100% of the width of the page, and then
b) to leave a 250px margin on its left side
My thinking is that this will mean the gallery element is responsive to different screen sizes, but will never be covered up by the sidebar menu.
Could someone please tell me if they know a way I can achieve this?
I assume you are using Editor X, is that right?
If so, there are two things you might try, neither of which require code. First, use a grid and define columns so you’ve got space on the left for your menu container and space on the right for your gallery. Then stretch your gallery within that single column.
You might also try replacing the menu container with a vertical section. Create a new section and, using the context menu, choose ‘flip to vertical’.
Do either of those techniques work for you?
Here’s an example, using a vertical section with a stretched gallery. I think that’s what you’re going for, right?
Hi Jim, thanks for getting back to me!
Unfortunately I’m not in Editor X, as I’m just making some tweaks to an existing website in the Wix Editor which is on a premium plan paid up until next year.
I know that in Editor X (or any website builder with a grid structure) this should be easy, however in Wix Editor it seems like I would need code to add a left margin to the gallery element, if this is even possible to do!
You don’t need any CODE for this.
There is a given functionality for your wished function from out of the Wix-Box…
@russian-dima thanks for your reply - this doesn’t solve my problem as I can already stretch the gallery to full width.
The issue is I have a 250px wide box which is pinned to the left of my screen, and when I stretch the gallery to full width, the box covers part of the gallery.
So I’m looking for a way to set a 250px margin on the left of the gallery, so that the box doesn’t cover it.