Hi, all!
I’m adding a rating and reviews to my wix store product page.
I have a lot of it figured out but I receive this error message for the js:
$w(‘#SubmitReviews’).setFilter is not a function. (In ‘$w(’#SubmitReviews’).setFilter(external_wix_data_default().filter().eq(‘productId’, product._id))‘, ‘$w(’#SubmitReviews’).setFilter’ is undefined)
What does this mean and what should I do now?
Also, here’s the product page code:
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;
//-------------Global Variables-------------//
// Current product.
let product ;
//-------------Page Setup-------------//
$w . onReady ( async function () {
// Set the global product variable to the currently displayed product.
product = await $w ( ‘#productPage1’ ). getProduct ();
// Load the current product’s reviews using the initReviews() function.
initReviews ();
// Loads the current product’s reviews.
async function initReviews () {
// Filter the “Reviews” dataset to contain only the reviews on the currently displayed product.
await $w ( ‘#Reviews’ ). setFilter ( wixData . filter (). eq ( ‘productId’ , product . _id ));
// Show the reviews after the filter was set and applied on the dataset
showReviews ();
// Load the current product’s statistics using the loadStatistics() function.
loadStatistics ();
// Load the current product’s statistics.
async function loadStatistics () {
// Get the statistics data based on the current product’s ID.
const stats = await wixData . get ( ‘review-stats’ , product . _id );
// If statistics data for the product was found:
if ( stats ) {
// Compute the product’s average rating by dividing the total points by the number of ratings.
let avgRating = ( Math . round ( stats . rating * 10 / stats . count ) / 10 );
// Compute the percentage of reviewers that recommend the product.
let percentRecommended = Math . round ( stats . recommended / stats . count * 100 );
// Get the ratings element.
let ratings = $w ( ‘#generalRatings’ );
// Set the ratings element’s average rating to the value calculated above.
ratings . rating = avgRating ;
// Set the ratings element’s number of ratings to the count value from the statistics data.
ratings . numRatings = stats . count ;
// Set the text for the recommended percentage element.
$w ( ‘#recoPercent’ ). text = ${ percentRecommended } % would recommend
// Show the ratings element.
$w ( ‘#generalRatings’ ). show ();
// If there is no statistics data for the product:
} else {
// Set the text for the recommended percentage element to reflect the fact that there are no reviews.
$w ( ‘#recoPercent’ ). text = ‘There are no reviews yet’ ;
// Show the recommended percentage element only after it is populated to avoid flickering.
$w ( ‘#recoPercent’ ). show ();
//-------------Repeater Setup -------------//
// Set up each item in the reivews repeater as it is loaded.
export function reviewsRepeater_itemReady ( $w , itemData , index ) {
// If the reviewer recommends the item:
if ( itemData . recommends ) {
// Set the "recommend text.
$w ( ‘#recommendation’ ). text = ‘I recommend this product.’ ;
// If the reviewer does not recommend the item:
} else {
// Set the “don’t recomend” text.
$w ( ‘#recommendation’ ). text = “I don’t recommend this product.” ;
// If a photo was uploaded for the review:
**if** ( itemData . photo ) {
// Set the image URL from the item data.
$w ( '#reviewImage' ). src = itemData . photo ;
// Expand the image.
$w ( '#reviewImage' ). expand ();
// Set the ratings element's rating value.
$w ( '#oneRating' ). rating = itemData . rating ;
// Get the date that the review was entered.
**let** date = itemData . _createdDate ;
// Format the date according to the date format settings on the user's computer.
$w ( '#submissionTime' ). text = date . toLocaleString ();
//-------------Data Setup -------------//
// Perform some setup when the dataset filter was completed.
export function showReviews () {
// If at least one review has been submitted:
if ( $w ( ‘#Reviews’ ). getTotalCount () > 0 ) {
// Expand the strip that displays the reviews.
$w ( ‘#reviewsStrip’ ). expand ();
// If there are no reviews:
} else {
// Collapse the strip that displays the reviews.
$w ( ‘#reviewsStrip’ ). collapse (); //otherwise, hide it
//-------------Event Handlers -------------//
// Set the action that occurs when a user clicks the “Write a Review” button.
export async function addReview_click ( event , $w ) {
// Create an object containing the current product’s ID to be sent to the review writing lightbox.
const dataForLightbox = {
productId : product . _id
// Open the “Review Box” lightbox, send it the object created above, and wait for it to close.
let result = await wixWindow . openLightbox ( ‘Review Box’ , dataForLightbox );
// After the review lightbox is closed, refresh the reviews dataset so the new review appears on the page.
$w ( ‘#SubmitReviews’ ). refresh ();
// Reload the current products statistics to reflect the new rating.
loadStatistics ();
// Show a thank you message.
$w ( ‘#thankYouMessage’ ). show ();
// Set the action that occurs when a user clicks the “Load More” text.
export function resultsPages_click ( event , $w ) {
// Load additional reviews into the reviews repeater.
$w ( ‘#Reviews’ ). loadMore ();