Allowing members to create events

Hi there,
I’m using Wix Events and was wondering if there was a way for me to allow my members to create and post events on my site?

Thanks in advance!

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Any other member needs to be able to see your Wix Dashboard to be able to get access to Wix Events or be able to access your Wix Editor to be able to Manage Wix Events.

So, unless you add a member as a site contributor, then they won’t be able to do it themselves:

Thanks @givemeawhisky ! Do you know if its possible to add a member as a site contributor, but to limit their permissions to just editing the events page but not the full site?

Hi, I just want to ask something similar to this question. So, which means it is not possible to let users of my website to add their own items? like eBay etc.

Basically I want to realise a function like eBay or EVENTBRITE, which allow the users to add their own items or events to my website. Is there a way which can realise it? I think it is technically possible, just don’t know which kind of tools I should use in

I’m also very interested in this same topic. Is there any update here? It would be great to be able to allow users to create their own events. Alternatively as @afternoonteaholic says it would be good to know if we can add members as site contributors with limited permissions to create events only

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Hi Andrew,
Please contact Wix Customer Care to share your feature requests with the Events team. For a list of the existing Events feature requests, click here .

I want to do the same thing - has anyone worked out how?

Does the Wix Events Backend provide a solution ?

Has anyone figured out a solution? Is it possible with CMS to control collection permissions so that a member with a certain role can create and edit their own but not other members events?

Hey @Svensk_Airsoft!

Unfortunately, the only way to add events using the Wix events app is by having someone as a contributor on a site. The APIs available can only be called by site members who also have contributor access. Be sure to submit it as a feature request :slight_smile:

That’s super unfortunate. Such a simple feature obviously requested since 2019 and nothing?

Agreed. Coming on as a newer Wix user and am a bit disappointed catching up on the lack of features within Wix Events, especially for event curators or blogs. Having the ability for site visitors to submit events as a draft for approval by Wix admin would be a game changer :melting_face:

I agree. Outside of writing code, there is no way to do this. Wix should add it. Has anyone put in a request?