Alt text sticky keys?

Whenever I write any alt text or an image or video, it seems like my sticky keys are on. Makes it frustrating to write absolutely anything. Even if I type slow, some of the letters don’t appear as I’m typing.

Has this happened to anyone else?

never heard about this, @jmossey could you share some sort of video with us along with the site link you are working on? If this information is too sensitive for the forum, please reach our Customer Care team here

I’ll put the video for the forum purposes (in case anyone else has seen this or dealt with it) but I’ll also reach out to Customer Care. See below– I was trying to type “lighting control app iphone”. I am not mistyping anything so as you see, all the letters don’t appear and it’s glitchy.

Confirmed that it seems to be a known issue. If you haven’t already reached out to the customer care team, please reach out to them and they can investigate further.