Animated character element?

Dear website together folders,

I have questions, I created this using EditorX using one breakpoint my website address is in here somewhere, but I don’t want to spam it because I am not sure if that is allowed.

Anyways, it’s a book but I am not sure if it allowed if not send me mail it’s in my book somewhere.

Anyways, what I am wondering if anyone would like me to try to turn the character part into an element this so, you can use it too because those characters are vector images that are animated by cycling through them or using wix.animation().

These are loaded from a dataset and their URL are stored. So, most works without dataset fetches after they are cached, improving performance.

I must be honest I am not sure if I can pull it off but for now, I do have time and I drew a template, that I could add and explain how to set it up.

So, to get to my questions can this be turned into a drag and drop element, if so, could someone point me in the right direction and would anyone like this in the first place?

I do wonder if anyone would like this.

Anyways, my template, the small images if you download them and import them to into a digital painting tool with layers and a canvas with the size 720px x 720px in the order that they are numbered so smallest first and higher number means that it goes below it layer wise.

If you make me one in parts as vector images, then I will add it to my book.