Anybody used Corvid to customize a wix restaurants

Hello everyone!

I’ve recently gotten a project which involves fixing some workflow challenges a customer is having with their wix / wix restaurants site.

I know wix and wix restaurants are really focused on non technical users , but I’m investigating opportunities to actually customize their site with code. After doing some reading it seems like “corvid” might be the mechanism for this.

Has anyone here used corvid to customize a wix restaurants page? An example is customizing the checkout flow to have a customer specify a pickup location.

Hey Mary,

Unfortunately Wix Restaurants is not integrated with Wix Corvid yet.

At Wix, we are constantly working to improve and update existing features and introduce new ones.

The latest Corvid updates can be found here and the current Corvid Wishlist here .

See the current features in development here or request your own here .

Dara | Corvid Team