API Implementation, User to enter email or password and results to appear on another page.

Users should enter their email address and have the results appear on another page or check their password to check if it has appeared in a breach and display the results. It would connect to an API ( https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3 ).

Anybody with an idea of how I can implement this best, or any example of such work done before? I would appreciate so much. If you share the codes it would be perfect. Thanks

You will need to read about how to access 3rd party services in the article Corvid: How to Access 3rd-Party Services with the Fetch API . Also, refer to the wix-fetch API documentation.

Take a look at the Advanced examples , many of them access 3rd party services. A couple of good examples to start with are: Example: Using the Places API from Google Maps services and Example: Send email with the SendGrid REST interface .