The wix-location API has been updated so that the path property returns only the path section of the page’s URL. Previously it returned the prefix and the path sections of the page’s URL.
If you do not use the path property in your code, you can safely ignore this message.
If you have code that relied on the path property also returning the URL’s prefix, including the code from the How to Create Previous and Next Buttons for a Dynamic Item Page article, you will need to update your code to get the prefix information from the prefix property .
For example:
// old way
const pathAndPrefix = wixLocation.path;
// becomes
const pathAndPrefix = wixLocation.prefix + '/' + wixLocation.path;
The How to Create Previous and Next Buttons for a Dynamic Item Page article has been updated to reflect the change, but if you’ve already implemented the code from that article, you will need to change the code in your site yourself as follows.
On the item page, the line:
const currentPage = '/' + wixLocation.path.join('/');
needs to be changed to:
const currentPage = '/' + wixLocation.prefix + '/' + wixLocation.path.join('/');
If you encounter any problems, please let us know here and we will do our best to help you.