Ask a question description

The place to ask questions and find answers

This category is focused on the Wix Studio product and everything related to it - like Wix apps, Blocks, the site dashboard, and more. In short, if you can do it through your Wix Studio account, ask it here.

Here are some top tips to get the most out of the Ask a question category.

  • Search first - you never know, your question may have already been answered before.
  • Be clear and concise - when asking a question, check your title and topic are clear and to the point. Providing context and details helps other community members to understand your question.
  • Tag your topic - adding tags to your topic helps you get answers, as other community members know what your topic is about.
  • What are you trying to solve? - sharing screenshots and videos helps people to understand the issue and the desired outcome.

Now what are you waiting for, go ask that question.