Assign userInput (e.g. textbox) to each item in repeater?

Hi Coders, is it possible for user to assign textbox to each item in repeater?
For example, user searches product category then receives results in repeater. Later assigns price (bid) he can pay to each product & submits. We then calculate the total price & display to user. Is it possible? How to proceed for this?

Hi Pravin,

Placing a textinput element inside a repeater is not supported.

As a workaround, you can add use a lightbox (while giving it the product context from the repeater), then use it to capture the bid and save it somewhere.

To achieve this, you will have to dynamically assign a button for each repeater.
Use the onItemReady and onClick event handlers for that.

Note that you cannot use the properties menu to statically connect the buttons, you must call onClick for each repeater item. Also make sure to pass the product context to it. (product id or some other identifier)

To open a light box use openLightbox() with the relevant context.

This is only one way to implement this system.

Good luck