Hello. I have this form (custom) on my wixsite that I want to add auto-fill. The form is for letting people upload their images. I have the input for their name and email, image name. I wondered if it would be possible to , if the user is logged in have their name and email automatically put into the input element. This is because I thought it would be annoying if the person had to put his name and email every time he wants to submit the form. Could anyone lend me a hand?
Look at ths : https://www.wix.com/corvid/reference/wix-users.html , the part “How do send an email …”. That should get you going.
I’m sorry , I still don’t understand.
$w.onReady(function () {get_UserEmail()})
function get_UserEmail() {
let USER = wixUsers.currentUser
let eMail = USER.getEmail().then(console.log(eMail))
What would be your simple steps?
- At first, get all data of the current (logged-in) user right?
- Ok,…
let USER = wixUsers.currentUser
Try to do a ----> console.log() —> console.log(USER)
You should get an OBJECT .
Damn, i am to tired no concentration anymore…
Мы продолжим это завтра😉
Have a good nights sleep:sleeping:. Thanks for helping me out today! Oh, I didn’t mean sending a email. That was in the different question(although I did the code correctly but the email wouldn’t come when I tested it.). No, I was asking if I could get the logged in user’s email address and name to be automatically in the input(so they don’t have to enter it every time). But I need the email to be sent too. Could you show me how.
Good morning,
perhaps you can implement this one into your code…
wixLocation.to("mailto:"+"xxxxx@xxxxx.com"+"?subject=MySubject here ( )");
Sorry, is this the code for sending a triggered email?
Hello Arthur,
take a look on this post here, perhaps it will help you.
Hello, @arthurvalatin
You can by getting the user details and apply them to the fields if the user is logged in, here’s an example:
import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
$w.onReady(function () {
if (user.loggedIn) { getUserDetails() }
async function getUserDetails() {
// Get the user email
let email = await user.getEmail().then((result) => { return result })
// Now get the user full name
let name = await wixData.query('Members/PrivateMembersData')
.eq('_id', user.id).find().then((result) => {
return result.items[0].nickname;
// Set the fields' values based on the data we have
$w('#username').value = name;
$w('#userEmail').value = email;
Hope that helped ~!
Hello. I had a error in the code.
async function getUserDetails() {
let email = await User.getEmail();
let name = return wixData.query('MembersPrivateData')
I got the error massage for return. So I changed it to awaitUser .
async function getUserDetails() {
let email = await user.getEmail();
let name = await wixData.query('Members/PrivateData')
And the error massage was gone. I will test to see if this works(I might be wrong). Also does the Members/PrivateData mean the database where the emails and names are kept?
It didn’t work:sleepy:. Should I try again with your code? Or is there something I have missed?(I am sleepy-loosing concentration:laughing:.)
Sorry Arthur, yeah the return was a mistake, I’ve edited the answer try it now, and tell me what errors you get if you got any.
Yes, it’s the collection where members’ details are kept.
I changed return to await. There was no error massage but, when I went to my live site and went to the form when I was logged in, but my email address and name wasn’t there. What could I do?
Have you changed the input fields IDs to your own IDs?
$w('#username').value = name; // Change username
$w('#userEmail').value = email; // Change userEmail
Yes. I already did that.
$w('#input2').value = name;
$w('#input3').value = email;
input2 is where they put their name in.
And input is where thy put their email in.
Just to let you know, I have connected the form to a dataset.
How about changing the way we set the values …
Change the function body to this
async function getUserDetails() {
return wixData.query('Members/PrivateMembersData')
.eq('_id', user.id).find().then((result) => {
let item = result.items[0];
let name = item.nickname;
let email = item.loginEmail;
$w('#input2').value = name;
$w('#input3').value = email;
}).catch((err) => {
console.warn('Searching the database failed!');
Do you mean I should replace the code I have with this code? Or just one bit?
No, not the whole code, just the function
I didn’t get an error massage but it didn’t work on the live site.