Backend Code and Scheduled HTTP Requests

I am currently using cron-jobs in order to periodically run checks on my databases as well as weekly run reports that send out emails to users based on my database info. I plan on adding more regularly ran tasks and so I have a question regarding this process. How do the Wix servers handle HTTP requests? If I have a function that analyses a lot of data, my cron-job could time out before the function is done in the wix code backend. Can I simply send my cron-job request, respond from the backend with OK, and the function continue to process or does wix shutdown the current process when the connection is terminated?
Thanks for the help,

Hey Logan,

I believe HTTP requests will time out in order to protect the system (abuse, runaway tasks, etc), but I can’t say what the timeout period is.

This is really a system issue and I recommend contacting the Wix support team as they’ll be better able to find you the correct information.